Genophone is a conceptual multimedia artwork that enables the translation of thoughts into DNA, the subsequent evolution of that DNA and it’s translation back into an audible phrase.
Genophone questions the idea of DNA as readable language. Using a process of translation, neural networks converts patterns in speech to sequences of DNA that then mutate according to the Jukes Cantor model, a simple algorithm used in biology to simulate evolution. The resulting spoken phrases become a future techno-hybrid species reading of the original text.
A website is under development to support this interface and has been trialled as part of Viral Experiments, Hexham and Genocentric, Summerhall, Edinburgh. The Genophone also exists as a Twitter app.
Genophone, enables the creation of text which can be stored within DNA and hence within living organisms, speculating on the relationship between the word and the virus and our (bio)technological capacity as humans to create both.
Currently on trial as a website and via Twitter,
Genophone is ready to receive word viruses.
Genophone is not compatible with Safari
Tweet using the hashtag #genophone to prepare a message for future DNA storage.
Listen @thegenophone on Twitter as messages are mutated through an evolution-modelling algorithm.
what will happen if I store this thought safe within you?
Author © Louise Mackenzie, software development Étienne de Crécy